It all started on my daily walk December of 2020 meditating on my frustrations of the censorship and outright mind fucking of people globally through the media, government and systems of the world.

I was pissed. But I wasn’t doing anything. Just spinning my mental wheels.
What can I do?
Who am I to believe I can change things??
How would one even approach such a challenge???

I had a choice.
Either do something about it or shut up and take a seat.
Values are shown not spoken.
I grew up skateboarding in the 90s and early 2000s when it really took off.
The messages, often counter culture were delivered through clothing.
It clicked.
People wear clothing they identify their values and lifestyles with.
I do.

Clothing is important as it influences how we feel and in certain cases what we think.
It cetainly does for me.
So after months of laying the groundwork we are readying to launch and I’m beyond excited.
Not to create and sell clothes and lifestyle accessories I like.
That’s cool and all.

I’m pumped to be a part of building a brand and culture driven off values and showing up in those values every day.
I'm excited to push myself alongside you faaaaarrrrrrrrr out of our comfort zones in the pursuit of becoming our best selves in service of others.
I'm excited to meet all the future customers, employees, ambassadors, athletes, and influencers.
Those that share and bring the values of the Move-Ment to themselves and those around them.

The Move-Ment is made of people, NOT fabric.